Johanna Hampf is the passionate creator behind PotteryJo, who loves gathering people around a beautifully set table. For Johanna, developing PotteryJo is greater than to create tableware: her workmanship is a way of influencing people to enjoy their everyday-life.
An enjoyable moment is always a setting away. At least according to Johanna Hampf, the founder and creator behind PotteryJo. Johanna is born close to the Arctic Circle, in a place called Norrbotten in Sweden. She is a visualizer and has the ability to transform a plain thought to a proper product. Since 2011 she runs PotteryJo – a tableware company based in Sweden with an international client base. To gather inspiration she focuses on things she appreciates: big dinner parties, her children baking cake in the kitchen or that longed cup of coffee in the morning. In other words, pleasurable moments in her daily life.
– For me, family and friends are everything. I want my tableware to evoke a homelike atmosphere. Therefore, it feels natural to create products that can be used by families all around the world, says Johanna.
In other words, Johanna Hampf wants her tableware not only to be used – but to be lived with. The products are made to last and to set the table should be both easy and inspiring.
– Our clients are trend-proof. Yet, they do not compromise on beauty and functionality – they know you can have both, says Johanna.
“Our customers do not compromise
on beauty and functionality”
Furthermore, setting the table together with loved ones equals a sense of togetherness. Sitting around a table connects people in a special way; it creates an opportunity to share thoughts, dreams and goals.
– Setting your own table is important in more than one way. The saying carries a deeper meaning than to simply beautify your dining table – it is also a way of looking at life. To set your own table means listening to yourself, to embody your dreams and to spread both love and inspiration to the people around you, Johanna concludes.
/ LoveJo
Fotograf: CHECK! Kommunikationsbyrå AB (Bild 1 & 2)